My bad skin

If you're trying to find out what's behind your acne breakout, first get the facts about acne.
Acne Myth No. 1: Poor Hygiene Causes Acne
A lot of people have heard this one - that acne is caused by dirty skin.
Acne Myth No. 2: Squeeze Those Pimples
Acne Myth No. 3: Junk Food Causes Acne
You may have heard that eating greasy foods and candy can cause an acne breakout. "Many people with acne have oily skin, so for a time people thought that greasy foods should also be avoided," says Pipkin. "Milk consumption has been associated with an increased risk of acne. Other studies have shown that a low glycemic index diet that's high in fiber and fruits and vegetables is beneficial for acne," notes Pipkin. Acne Myth No. 4: Acne Goes Away on Its Own
You don't have to suffer silently with acne - there are treatments available to clear up acne breakouts and help prevent future pimple problems.
Acne is caused by clogged pores in the skin - and they're often clogged with the skin's natural oils, says Pipkin. If your pores become clogged, the skin's natural bacteria can cause inflammation - and worsen acne.
Acne Myth No. 5: Tanning Beds Clear Up Acne
If you're looking for a reason to justify using harmful tanning beds, acne treatment isn't it. This myth started years ago, when tanning beds became a popular acne remedy, says Pipkin.
Not only does tanning not offer a benefit for acne, but it can damage your skin. There are other acne myths out there as well.
More than just your child's complexion is affected by acne. Studies have shown that teens with acne often suffer emotional and social distress and sometimes even depression.
The Tolls of Teen Acne
Teens with acne can experience:
Keep in mind that each teen responds differently to having acne. Some kids are tremendously bothered by their acne, says Antaya, while others with moderate to even severe acne are not bothered by it at all.
Says Grossbart, "A kid who is particularly confident and secure will have a better time weathering teen acne." "In addition to producing emotional turmoil, acne goes the other way as well, and stress is a trigger for acne," explains Grossbart, emphasizing how important it is for teens with acne to get stress under control to help avoid breakouts.
Parents of teens with acne should keep the following in mind:
Over-the-counter acne treatments, such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, may be enough to clear up acne. Encourage gentle skin care. Too much face washing can irritate the skin, making acne worse.
It may take time for acne treatment to work. "Acne treatments are all preventative," says Antaya. With medical attention and your support, they will get control over the problem of teen acne


If you're trying to find out what's behind your acne breakout, first get the facts about acne.
Acne Myth No. 1: Poor Hygiene Causes Acne
A lot of people have heard this one - that acne is caused by dirty skin.
Acne Myth No. 2: Squeeze Those Pimples
Acne Myth No. 3: Junk Food Causes Acne
You may have heard that eating greasy foods and candy can cause an acne breakout. "Many people with acne have oily skin, so for a time people thought that greasy foods should also be avoided," says Pipkin. "Milk consumption has been associated with an increased risk of acne. Other studies have shown that a low glycemic index diet that's high in fiber and fruits and vegetables is beneficial for acne," notes Pipkin. Acne Myth No. 4: Acne Goes Away on Its Own
You don't have to suffer silently with acne - there are treatments available to clear up acne breakouts and help prevent future pimple problems.
Acne is caused by clogged pores in the skin - and they're often clogged with the skin's natural oils, says Pipkin. If your pores become clogged, the skin's natural bacteria can cause inflammation - and worsen acne.
Acne Myth No. 5: Tanning Beds Clear Up Acne
If you're looking for a reason to justify using harmful tanning beds, acne treatment isn't it. This myth started years ago, when tanning beds became a popular acne remedy, says Pipkin.
Not only does tanning not offer a benefit for acne, but it can damage your skin. There are other acne myths out there as well.
More than just your child's complexion is affected by acne. Studies have shown that teens with acne often suffer emotional and social distress and sometimes even depression.
The Tolls of Teen Acne
Teens with acne can experience:
Keep in mind that each teen responds differently to having acne. Some kids are tremendously bothered by their acne, says Antaya, while others with moderate to even severe acne are not bothered by it at all.
Says Grossbart, "A kid who is particularly confident and secure will have a better time weathering teen acne." "In addition to producing emotional turmoil, acne goes the other way as well, and stress is a trigger for acne," explains Grossbart, emphasizing how important it is for teens with acne to get stress under control to help avoid breakouts.
Parents of teens with acne should keep the following in mind:
Over-the-counter acne treatments, such as salicylic acid and benzoyl peroxide, may be enough to clear up acne. Encourage gentle skin care. Too much face washing can irritate the skin, making acne worse.
It may take time for acne treatment to work. "Acne treatments are all preventative," says Antaya. With medical attention and your support, they will get control over the problem of teen acne

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